Tick Bites, Two-by-Fours, and the DIY Spirit

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Inspiration can be hanging out anywhere - in a stack of old lumber, even in a bug bite! Read on to learn the 2xEDGE Staples origin story as told by 2xEDGE Staples creator, Lisa Brooks.

Beware of Bugs

Beware of ticks symbol

Within days of getting the keys to our new-to-us house in the forest I was clearing fallen trees, chopping wood, making firewood stands. Who knew forest management would be so fun?!

But then: a tick bite. NOT so fun.

I didn't know anything about ticks - Iā€™m a city slicker! So, I Googled.

Among other things, I learned that ticks don't like to travel on wood chips or mulch. Putting down a thick layer of the stuff in commonly traveled areas was recommended.

I quickly did that. But I didnā€™t like how sloppy the uncontained mulch looked. More importantly, the mulch scattered and thinned out because it was borderless. Ticks are deterred by a thick layer of mulch, not a thin one.

Plenty of Options - But Not For This Picky Gardener

A rusted Rustic Steel 2xEDGE Staple installed on cedar 2x4 lumber used as garden edging, with Creeping Jenny and Coral Bells in the foreground.

The hunt for landscape edging was on.

No to plastic edging (bad for the environment). No to cement (bad for my back!). And no to typical landscape lumber like railroad ties and timbers (bad for my aesthetic - too chunky and clunky).

I would have loved to get a weathered steel option. That red/orange metal peeking through and framing all that lush green, and adding one more color, texture, and focal point in the landscape. Wow.

But I couldnā€™t afford weathered steel.

I wanted something natural, light, and streamlined. If I could get a hit of rusty metal in the mix? Iā€™d call it a win.

The Optimal Depth of Mulch

Do a search for the optimal depth of mulch for plant and tree health and somewhere between two- and four-inches is the consensus.

A two-by-four (2"x4") is actually one and a half inches by three and a half inches (1.5"x3.5"). Hmmmmm....

We had two-by-fours on hand. Now the trick was figuring out how to stand a two-by-four up on its thin edge to contain a thick layer of mulch.

Wait - I'm the Stapler!

A person striking the top of a 2xEDGE Staple with a mallet to install 2x4 lumber as landscape edging.That's when the idea to staple two-by lumber to the ground entered my mind.

I've tested 2xEDGE Staples with 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, and 2x6 lumber. The staples are nine and a half inches long and they fasten these types of lumber to the ground just great.

So, I set up shop online to share 2xEDGE with gardeners and DIYers everywhere.

Let's Be in Touch

I hope youā€™ll give 2xEDGE Staples a try. They're easy to use, expand your edging options, and offer an affordable way to add that sought-after rust patina in your landscape.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with questions or feedback. I'd love to hear from you!