Landscape Edging Ideas

A grid containing four types of mulch: straw mulch, river rocks, pine bark nuggets, and leaf litter.

What Does Mulch Do? Basics, Benefits & Best Practices

Discover what mulch can do for your garden! Explore organic & inorganic mulch, how deep mulch should be, and what not to do with mulch to maximize your benefits.

What Does Mulch Do? Basics, Benefits & Best Pra...

Discover what mulch can do for your garden! Explore organic & inorganic mulch, how deep mulch should be, and what not to do with mulch to maximize your benefits.

Wood edging keeping cedar mulch and large wood chips separated.

How To Keep Mulch In Place: Garden Edging For The Win!

Is your mulch on the move? Could be you used the wrong mulch. Discover how the right mulch + garden edging is best to keep mulch in place.

How To Keep Mulch In Place: Garden Edging For T...

Is your mulch on the move? Could be you used the wrong mulch. Discover how the right mulch + garden edging is best to keep mulch in place.

A person wearing a mask made out of a cardboard box with a face drawn on it.

Easy & All Wrong! The DIY Cardboard Method In the Garden

Sheet mulching with cardboard is a popular gardening activity, making quick work of turning weedy, grassy patches into glorious beds ready for planting. But is this method actually bad news?

Easy & All Wrong! The DIY Cardboard Method In t...

Sheet mulching with cardboard is a popular gardening activity, making quick work of turning weedy, grassy patches into glorious beds ready for planting. But is this method actually bad news?

A collage of photos of chipped and shredded cedar mulch and chipped and shredded cypress mulch.

Cedar vs Cypress Mulch: Which is Better For Your Garden (& the Planet)?

A deep dive into the surprising - and troubling - issues presented by cedar and cypress organic mulches.

Cedar vs Cypress Mulch: Which is Better For You...

A deep dive into the surprising - and troubling - issues presented by cedar and cypress organic mulches.

How to make a mulch bed in your garden (easy DIY guide)

How To Make a Mulch Bed in Your Garden (Easy DIY Guide)

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating functional and attractive mulch beds that are fast and easy to DIY. The only digging you’ll do is to put in your plants!

How To Make a Mulch Bed in Your Garden (Easy DI...

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating functional and attractive mulch beds that are fast and easy to DIY. The only digging you’ll do is to put in your plants!

Three photos showing 1) gloved hands placing a plant in ground covered with wood chips, 2) a blooming hyacinth surrounded by pine bark nuggets, and 3) hands moving hardwood mulch around.

Bark vs Mulch vs Wood Chips: What's the Difference?

Need mulch for flower beds & vegetable gardens but not sure which mulch to use? Learn about commonly used organic mulches - bark, wood chips, hardwood.

Bark vs Mulch vs Wood Chips: What's the Differe...

Need mulch for flower beds & vegetable gardens but not sure which mulch to use? Learn about commonly used organic mulches - bark, wood chips, hardwood.